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the hidden secrets of clean

Germs, diseases, and you
Firefly Child mud hand prints on couch, parents staqnding up away from the child looking in shock at

The Dirtiest Dilemmas: Kid Edition - Making Cleanliness a Blast!


Hey there, fabulous parents! In the dazzling world of parenting, dodging germs is like a dance-off with invisible foes. But fear not! In this blog post, we're diving into the dirtiest, messiest places your kiddos encounter daily. And guess what? We've got a secret weapon for you – more on that later! Let's explore these grime zones with a sprinkle of fun and a dash of frolic.

Part 1: The Gritty Grips - A Gleeful Glimpse

School Shenanigans:

Schools can be like germ galas! Desks, chairs, and shared stuff are the dance floor for bacteria. Fear not, our superhero is ready to make an entrance and save the day!

Playground Pandemonium:

Playgrounds, more germ-laden than a ninja's training ground!

Ball Pit Bedlam:

Ball pits, the undiscovered galaxy of germs!

Part 2: Nine Germtastic Getaways

Zoo Zestiness:

Petting zoos, where animals share secrets (and germs)! Our trusty germ-buster ensures your kiddo's hands are zoo-tifully clean after every animal encounter.

Fountain Fandango:

Water fountains, where viruses do the cha-cha! Teach your kid the fountain frolic – a dance of cleanliness after every sip. It's hydration with a hygienic hoot!

Cart Carnival:

Supermarket carts, the rollercoaster of bacteria!

Museum Mayhem:

Children's museums, where interactive exhibits throw germ parties! Our exhibit exit buddy ensures your kiddo's hands are museum-clean post-adventure. It’s so fun they might even sell it at the souvenir shop too.

Keyboard Capers:

Computer keyboards, the silent symphony of germs! Our tech tamer teaches your kid the keyboard waltz – a dance of fingers and cleanliness. It's the key to a germ-free tech adventure!

Doc's Dilemma:

Pediatrician waiting rooms. Though counterintuitive to some hospitals are where germs play doctor! Our doc's defender might soon be in your pediatrician’s office ensuring your little patient's hands are healthier than a prescription. It's a waiting room win!

Bonus Round: Mobile Mayhem - GloSoap to the Rescue!

Amid the high-tech hubbub, don't forget the germ-laden realm of mobile devices! Smartphones and tablets, your kid's trusty companions, are sneaky hideouts for germs. Enter GloSoap, turning handwashing into an interactive voyage that not only defeats germs but also adds a touch of fun and glowing lights to the routine just like those gadgets. So, let GloSoap be the captain steering your little ones through the sea of mobile mayhem!


Now, for the grand finale – introducing our secret weapon, GloSoap! This magical soap can teach kids the art of handwashing like never before. Imagine hands glowing with a bright light wherever the soap touches – making handwashing a fun and didactic adventure. By turning cleanliness into a game, GloSoap engrains the habit of handwashing, reducing sick days and keeping the whole family healthier. So, embark on the quest for cleanliness with a sprinkle of giggles, a dash of adventure, and a whole lot of superhero swagger. Your kiddos will thank you for the germ-free escapade!

Glosoap The Soap That Glows in the Dark

Is Soap better than Hand Sanitizer?


Ever since the pandemic, there is no one bag, one backpack, one room, where I don’t have hand sanitizer, and yet, I prefer to wash my hands with soap and because of what I know. There are three main reasons why soap is better than hand sanitizer.

The extremes

In the extreme situation where our kids’ hands are covered in mud, thick slime, or any other variety of grossness, I’m sure you can see why using hand sanitizer is going to be a moot point. No matter how much you spray, or pour alcohol on those hands, there’s no way you’re going to get all those germs hiding and impregnated in that sludge. But soap and water will! They’ll wash that right off! What I’m trying to say here is that in cases where bacteria and virus can sneak in crevices, under skin, or nails, soap and water are just going to do a better job, plain and simple. So, unless your hands are as smooth as a queue ball, why risk it if you can help it?!

Other Maladies

As we said before, soap and water can remove all sorts of grime and dirt from your little one’s hands. Among that grime and dirt, there are plenty of other things you don’t want your kid’s ingesting, such as toxic chemicals, plastics, paint, or anything else!


I’m sure you’ve heard of them, but what are they? Superbugs are viruses and bacteria that have evolved through continuous use of disinfectants, antibiotics, and other means, to be particularly resilient to one or more of our current ways to kill germs. This makes them very difficult to deal with and can be very problematic to treat. Alcohol, the main ingredient in hand sanitizer, is one of those chemicals we use and can abuse to disinfect, that recent research has determined that can contribute to the proliferation of superbugs. and you’ll likely ask why can’t they evolve to be resistant against soap? Great question, you’re a smart one. Well, to make it short, soap uses a different method, it breaks apart the cell walls of germs instead of poisoning or modifying some of the critter’s system, which they can evolve their way around. It’s pretty hard to evolve to be resistant to being ripped open.


As a bonus, by not cleaning and washing our hands with soap and water, the dirt in our hands stays on them. This dirt can then be transferred to other surfaces, and in some case this dirt can have some flavor that might be added to your food! Gross!!! know what I’m using next time!


So, is hand sanitizer bad? No, not at all! It’s all about knowing when to use each weapon. Hand sanitizer is quite convenient in a pinch when there is no alternative. That being said, it will always be my weapon of choice to use soap and water to wash my hands rather than to use hand sanitizer.


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Donec nec justo eget felis facilisis fermentum. Aliquam porttitor mauris sit amet orci. Aenean dignissim pellentesque felis. Praesent dapibus, neque id cursus faucibus, tortor neque egestas auguae, eu vulputate magna eros eu erat. Aliquam erat volutpat.

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